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New Zealand Pine

Pine Wood
Specific Name Pinus Radiate
Trade Name Radiata Pine / Newzealand Pine
Origin New Zealand
Common Usage Boxes and crates, Building constructions ,Building materials, Flooring Heavy construction, Packing cases, Plywood, Pulp/Paper product.

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Sylvestra Pine

Sylvestra Pine
Specific Name Pinus Sylvestris
Trade Name Scots Pine / European Pine
Origin Eastern & Western Europe
Common Usage Boxes and crates, Building construction, Building Construction, Pulp/Paper products, Railroad ties

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Southern Yellow Pine

Southern Yellow Pine
Specific Name Pinus Sylvestris
Trade Name Scots Pine / European Pine
Origin Eastern & Western Europe
Common Usage Boxes and crates, Building construction, Building Construction, Pulp/Paper products, Railroad ties

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Item Metric New Zealand Pine Sylvestra Pine Southern Yellow Pine
Bending Strength kg/cm2 726 849 992
Density kg/m3 496 512 657
Hardness kg 348 246 427
Impact Strength cm 45 76 78
Maximum Crushing Strength kg/cm2 394 423 581
Shearing Strength kg/cm2 101 100 114
Stiffness 1000 kg/cm2 99 102 138
Toughness cm-kg 130 192 -
Work to Maximum Load cm-kg/cm3 0.77 0.77 0.63
Specific Gravity - 0.44 0.47 0.55
Weight kg/m3 448 496 641
    * source : www.thewoodexplorer.com